Old Westbury Gardens will reopen on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
Your Admission Makes Great Things Possible!
Admissions and membership revenue helps Old Westbury Gardens manage over 212 acres of gardens, woodlands, and Westbury House, and provide the environmental education programs, exciting public events, that have made the Gardens a world-class living museum for all to enjoy. Thank you for supporting this with your visit!
We are a private non-profit cultural organization and do not receive regular government funding for our annual operating budget.
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All visitors, except for Old Westbury Gardens members, must have a valid ticket for entry to Old Westbury Gardens that clearly states the date and time of the visit and has a valid bar code that has never been previously scanned (redeemed) at an entry point.
A ticket is considered invalid if the date and/or time on the ticket is more than one hour after the visitor attempts to enter or the ticket has been reproduced or duplicated; or the ticket has previously been redeemed.
Children age 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Conduct Policy: Prohibited Behavior
Old Westbury Gardens’s staff and visitors have the right to an environment free from abusive, threatening, or inappropriate behavior. Old Westbury Gardens reserves the right to remove any person acting in an unacceptable or inappropriate manner. Your visit is at all times subject to any notice we post on our premises, and subject to any direction, supervision, and guidance of our staff.
Unauthorized events and all rallies, demonstrations, leafletting, and similar behavior are prohibited on Gardens grounds. Unauthorized solicitations of any kind, whether commercial, religious, educational, or otherwise, or conducting any unauthorized commercial activities, including solicitations of money or other contributions or donations are prohibited without prior written approval.
The sale of goods or services, or the display of goods or services are prohibited without prior written approval.
Weapons and firearms of any type are strictly prohibited at all times.
Vehicle traffic is limited to designated roadways. Driving or parking on pedestrian pathways or planted areas is strictly prohibited.
Gardens Conservation
Stay on the paths: do not enter flower beds or water features; do not restrict foot traffic by blocking off walking paths, or directing traffic within the Gardens; do not climb trees or statuary. Do not impede visitor movement by blocking off paths or redirecting access in any way.
Preserve our plant and statuary collections: do not pick flowers or plants, carve in trees or structures, climb rocks or landscape features, or otherwise disturb collections or artwork.
Do not feed the geese or any other wild bird or animal.
Keep the Garden peaceful: do not: play music, play ball or other sports activities, sunbathe, use skates or shoes with built-in wheels, ride a scooter or skateboard, or engage in other potentially disruptive activities, keeping shirts and shoes on at all times. Bicycles must be secured to the bicycle rack.
Marriage Proposals
Old Westbury Gardens has been the setting for many couples through the years and we welcome yours.
However, proposals must not interfere with the experience of other visitors. Signs, props, music, alcohol, and balloons, are not permitted.
Casual photographs may be taken of the proposal itself, however, extended photography sessions through the gardens of the couple require a photography permit.
Natural Hazards
The Gardens is open to the elements and contains natural areas, including running and still water. Visitors should be aware of the natural surroundings, including tree limbs, insects, birds, reptiles and other wildlife, inclement weather, steep slopes, and uneven surfaces. All patrons entering the premises voluntarily assume all risks and dangers incidental to admission and/or any event, and waives and releases all claims against Old Westbury Gardens, its affiliated companies, partners, joint ventures, representatives, members, designees, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, attorneys, agents, successors, and assigns. Admission is subject to compliance with all laws and facility rules and the patron consents to reasonable examinations and searches to ensure compliance.
Picnic tables are located on the North Lawn and at Café in the Woods.
Picnicking is permitted in other areas as long as it is in an area that does not intrude upon the experience of other visitors. Outside alcohol is not permitted.
Trash must be deposited in designated receptacles.
Fires are prohibited.
Photography and Drones
Old Westbury Gardens encourages its guests to take casual, vacation-style snapshots and nature photographs and videos for their own personal use. However, personal photographs and videos may not be used for commercial purposes. Personal photography is not be sold or used for brand or personal marketing. Photography must not interfere with the enjoyment of Old Westbury Gardens’ other guests. The following items are not permitted: drones, props, costumes, photography reflectors, and clothing changes.
These photography guidelines are intended for all guests, but a photography permit is necessary for those who wish to use the Gardens for large groups, commercial and portrait photography. All who wish to use Old Westbury Gardens as a backdrop/setting for portrait and special occasion photography, must request and obtain a photography permit, even if the photographer is not a professional and regardless of the type of camera used. Portrait and special occasion photography are defined as, but not limited to: senior, engagement, professional head shots, family, graduation, wedding, etc. Portrait or commercial photography is by appointment only.
For information on Portrait, special occasion (e.g., wedding) photography, click HERE
For information on Commercial Photography, click HERE
For more information, please email PHOTOGRAPHY
Drone use is prohibited on the grounds and may not fly over Old Westbury Gardens property.
During your visit you may be videotaped, photographed, or recorded by Old Westbury Gardens or its agents. Your admission serves as your permission for use of your image by these parties.
Service Animals and Pets
Service animals are welcome. Pets are not permitted except on the grounds except during days and/or hours designated as dog-friendly. Click here for the complete policy statement.
Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes, is not permitted on the Garden grounds, or in or around any facilities
Terms and Conditions for Entrance
Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement
Waiver: In consideration of permission to enter Old Westbury Gardens for myself and/or my child, I, for heirs, my personal representatives, assigns, or myself hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Old Westbury Gardens, its directors, officers, employees, and agents, from liability from all claims. This waiver and release include the negligence of Old Westbury Gardens resulting in personal injury, accidents or illnesses (including death), and property loss arising from participation in activities, classes, observation, and use of facilities, and premises. I understand that my or my child’s participation in this activity is voluntary and not required.
Assumption of Risks: Physical activity, outdoors or indoors, by its very nature, carries with it some inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. Old Westbury Gardens may use facilities, venues, or outdoor spaces and make available activities such as walking over uneven ground, gardening, and participation in outdoor classes. The specific risks vary from one activity to another, but the risks range from 1) minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, sprains, 2) major injuries such as eye injury or loss of sight, joint or back injuries, broken bones, and 3) catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death. I have read the previous paragraphs about the risks of participating in these activities. I understand and appreciate these and other risks that are inherent in the activities made possible by Old Westbury Gardens. I confirm that my participation is voluntary and that I knowingly assume all such risks.
Indemnification and Hold Harmless: I also agree to INDEMNIFY AND HOLD Old Westbury Gardens and its officers and members HARMLESS from all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities, including attorney’s fees, brought as a result of my involvement in activities of Old Westbury Gardens and to reimburse them for any such expenses incurred.
Severability: I, individually and/or on behalf of my child, expressly agree by signing this form that this waiver and release agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law. If any portion of this waiver and release is held invalid, I agree that the balance will continue in full legal force and effect.
Acknowledgment of Understanding: I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms. I understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and voluntarily and intend by my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.